While browsing and idling on the Waterlooplein flea market I finally started with the idea of 5 minute photos. I stopped in one corner and set my wristwatch timer on. Lens cap off from my Sony NEX-5N and off I went shooting...
I went through the results, and here they are for you as well: 15 photos to go, in chronological order.
Lady going through clothes on the ground |
A couple digging through piles of clothes |
Lamp post and a mystery box |
Bypassers on the street |
A lone stand |
A colourful elderly couple |
Tough looking pensioner |
Liander van on the mystery box |
A man with a hat taking photos of second hand spectacles |
Brunette sisters passing loitering boys |
Elderly gentleman has found an elderly camera tripod |
A pick-up van full of empty banana boxes |
"Oh darling, what do you think of that?" |